Wheel of Fortune as Feelings (Upright & Reversed)

by Anna Christopher

With a name that evokes imagery of game shows, fate and destiny, The Wheel of Fortune is a fascinating card to explore, especially when it comes to our emotional landscape. What feelings does this spinning wheel elicit? How does its rotation affect our understanding of emotions? If these questions pique your curiosity, then you’ve arrived at the right place!

In the heart of the unpredictable ride that this Wheel signifies, it delivers valuable lessons about our emotional ups and downs. Just as the Wheel of Fortune perpetually revolves, our emotional state is in constant flux, and understanding this dynamic can lead us towards emotional stability.

Upright Wheel of Fortune as Feelings

The Wheel of Fortune symbolizes the cycle of life – a constant state of motion, setting the stage for feelings of growth and transformation. When upright, this card communicates a sense of moving forward, progressing from one emotional stage to another. This shift may bring a surge of optimism and hope, as you embrace change with open arms.

Luck and good fortune are also associated with the upright Wheel of Fortune, signifying that you may feel particularly fortunate or that your emotional state will soon experience a positive turn. Perhaps you’re beginning to see the silver lining in a difficult situation or finally feeling a little boost, a stroke of luck after a period of struggle.

Adaptability is another feeling linked to The Wheel of Fortune’s upright position. We all face highs and lows in our emotional journeys, but The Wheel of Fortune teaches us to be flexible and resilient. This card highlights your ability to cope and adjust gracefully, even when faced with life’s inevitable ebbs and flows.

The Wheel of Fortune evokes feelings of trust and faith. This card reminds us that no matter how much we plan, sometimes we must simply trust the flow of life and accept that there is (or maybe) a bigger plan at work. In moments when The Wheel of Fortune guides our emotions, we feel reassured that the universe has our back, allowing us to embrace the winds of change that life brings gracefully.

Reversed Wheel of Fortune as Feelings

In its reversed position, the Wheel of Fortune can hint at feelings of stagnation or the sensation of being stuck in a rut. You might sense that the Wheel has stopped spinning and change seems impossible. This card resonates with those moments of frustration and impatience when your emotional evolution seems to have hit a roadblock.

Additionally, when the Wheel of Fortune appears reversed, it can represent feelings of negativity or pessimism. The Wheel, symbolic of life’s ups and downs, can sometimes land you in down times. During these phases, you might be grappling with negative emotions or a pessimistic mindset that clouds your perception, making it harder to see the opportunity embedded within every setback.

Delving deeper, the reversed Wheel of Fortune can also signify a feeling of resistance to change. This might manifest during stubborn moments when we feel apprehensive about the future and wish to cling to the familiar, thus resisting the Wheel’s natural rotation and the change it brings. If you’re feeling uneasy or resistant, this card invites you to examine these feelings and consider their root causes.

Unsuspected curveballs are also part of the reversed Wheel’s terrain, which can cause feelings of unpredictability and uncertainty. When the Wheel of Fortune is reversed, you may feel the strain of unexpected life events or emotional upheavals, reminding you to stay resilient and adapt to these unpredictable swings.

Final Thoughts

The Wheel of Fortune, in its captivating cycles and transformations, encapsulates the beautiful complexity of our emotional landscape. In its upright position, the card ushers in feelings of growth, transformation, and optimism, along with adaptability and faith. It reminds us about the beauty of life’s cycles, the potential in transformation, and the rewards of adaptability.

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