Why do I Suck at Everything?

by Anna Christopher

“I suck at everything. I’m not good at anything. If I were a plant, I’d be a Venus flytrap because I attract bugs and then kill them.” – Charlie Kelly.

Life can be tough and for every soaring high, there are bound to be some sinking lows. Lately, it feels like I find myself staring at the bottom more often than not – my days are filled with self-doubt and negative thoughts. I can’t help but wonder, why do I suck at everything?

As I’ve questioned my worth, I’ve realized that this feeling of inadequacy isn’t unique to just me. Many of us feel like we’re not good enough, and it’s important to acknowledge and explore these emotions.

Reasons why you suck at everything

1. Unrealistic Expectations

More often than not, we set an extraordinarily high bar for ourselves. We dream big and when reality doesn’t align with those dreams quickly enough, we start to internalise the failure. The line between aspiration and expectation blurs and somehow, falling short of our goals materialises into a blunt statement: “I suck at everything.”

2. Comparisons with Others

We live in a hyper-connected world where social and professional milestones are often in plain view. On social media, people show their best side – accolades, vacations, perfect relationships – it’s natural to feel lesser in comparison. Here’s a reality check: what we perceive is a curated version of someone’s life, not the everyday reality.

3. An Underlying Fear of Failure

This can be one of the most inhibiting traits – fear that grips you and makes you anxious about attempting new things. This fear might be the reason you’ve subconsciously convinced yourself, “I suck at everything,” to avoid potential disappointment.

4. Lack of Self-Love

Self-love isn’t just about pampering yourself or saying positive affirmations. It’s about acknowledging your worth, understanding your needs, and working to fulfill them. Lack of self-love results in harsh self-criticism that could lead you to believe you’re not good at anything.

5. Neglecting Healthy Habits

Deep down, we all know that physical health has a major impact on our mood and self-esteem, yet we often fail to prioritize this. Overindulgence, lack of exercise, or insufficient sleep can lead to feeling low and consequently, an overwhelming feeling of inadequacy.

What to do if you suck at everything

Feeling like you’re not good at anything can be debilitating, but remember this: it’s a state of mind that can be changed. Here are some steps you can take if you’re grappling with this feeling:

Practice Self-Compassion

Start with giving yourself a break. Self-acceptance encompasses acknowledging your mistakes, flaws and shortcomings. Stop berating yourself over every small mistake. You’re not perfect; no one is. Remember, it’s okay not to be okay sometimes.

Break Free from the Comparison Trap

Comparing your behind-the-scenes to someone else’s highlight reel isn’t fair. Understand that everyone moves at their own pace in life. Focus on your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. Your journey is unique; embrace this, but don’t compare.

Set Realistic Goals

Dreams motivate, but unachievable dreams can demoralize. Set realistic, achievable goals – these should challenge you but not leave you feeling worthless. Break large tasks down into manageable bits and celebrate each achievement.

Find Your Niche

You might feel like you’re not good at anything because you haven’t found your strength yet. Experiment with different hobbies, professional roles, and social activities. Everyone has a niche; it’s just a matter of time and exploration.

Take Care of Your Health

Your mind and body are interconnected. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep are not luxuries but necessities. These habits significantly improve mental health and, therefore, your overall self-perception.

Final Thoughts

The sentiment of “I suck at everything” is more common than we’d like to admit. This mindset can sometimes feel like an inevitable pitfall in a world where we continually measure ourselves against societal standards and expectations. However, it’s compelling to realize that this notion is intrinsically linked to our perception and mindset and that we have control over it.

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