Not Feeling Ready Yet? These Can Help!

by Anna Christopher

Not feeling ready is just the universe’s way of nudging you towards growth. Embrace the journey, and remember, the tools you need are often found within the courage to begin.” – Joseph Onuoha.

Feeling ready is something that many of us strive for in various aspects of our lives. Sometimes it’s a work project, a change in our personal lives, or even trying something new altogether. However, what do you do when you’re met with the sinking feeling of not feeling ready yet? As someone who has experienced this feeling countless times, I understand that it can be overwhelming and discouraging. But fear not, we will explore what “not feeling ready yet” means, why it’s important to acknowledge it, and what steps we can take to push through the discomfort and achieve our goals.

the Feeling of Unreadiness

Feeling unready, uncertain, or hesitant is a universal human experience. It’s a feeling that has visited me countless times, leaving me torn between my ambitions and the nagging doubts in my mind. Whether it’s taking on a new challenge, starting a daunting project, or even initiating a difficult conversation, the feeling of unreadiness can be paralyzing.

I’ve realised that this feeling often stems from a fear of failure or the unknown. It’s as if a voice in my head whispers, “What if I’m not good enough?” or “What if things don’t go according to plan?” These thoughts can create great self-doubt and prevent me from embracing new opportunities or pursuing my dreams.

Additionally, society’s expectations and the pressure to be perfect significantly perpetuate this feeling of unpreparedness. We are constantly bombarded with images and stories of people who seem to effortlessly conquer any challenge thrown their way, which can leave us feeling inadequate in comparison. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking everyone else has it all figured out while we’re playing catch-up.

Shifting Your Perspective

Shifting my perspective has been a game-changer in dealing with the feeling of unreadiness. Instead of letting that nagging doubt consume me, I’ve learned to approach it from a different angle. Rather than seeing unreadiness as a sign of weakness or inadequacy, I now view it as an opportunity for growth and learning.

I’ve shifted my perspective by reframing unreadiness as a natural part of the learning process. Instead of expecting myself to have all the answers from the start, I remind myself that it’s perfectly normal to feel unprepared when venturing into something new. Through these unreadiness moments, I gain valuable experiences, learn from my mistakes, and develop new skills.

I’ve also come to understand that feeling unready does not reflect my worth or abilities. It’s merely a reflection of my current knowledge and experience. By recognizing this, I can take the pressure off myself and approach new challenges with a sense of curiosity and excitement.

Another aspect of shifting my perspective involves embracing the idea of taking imperfect action. Instead of waiting for absolute certainty and readiness, I’ve learned to embrace the notion of “progress over perfection.” I remind myself that it’s better to take a small step forward, even if it’s not flawless than to stay stuck in a constant state of unreadiness. Each action brings me closer to my goals, builds my confidence, and helps me gain the experience I need to feel more prepared.

Moreover, I’ve found it helpful to reframe unreadiness as an opportunity for self-discovery. During these moments of discomfort, I uncover hidden strengths, challenge my limiting beliefs, and discover talents I didn’t know I possessed. By reframing unreadiness as an opportunity for self-exploration, I can approach new experiences with a sense of curiosity and an open mind.

Finally, seeking support and surrounding myself with a positive community has been essential in shifting my perspective. I gain encouragement, guidance, and reassurance by sharing my unreadiness with trusted friends, mentors, or colleagues. Knowing that others have faced and overcome similar challenges helps me see that unreadiness is temporary and within my control.

Practical Strategies for Feeling Ready

I’ve discovered several practical strategies that have helped me overcome this challenge and feel more prepared. These strategies have allowed me to take action and move forward, even when my doubts and insecurities are screaming in my ear.

The first strategy that has been invaluable to me is breaking down my goals into smaller, manageable tasks. When faced with a daunting project or challenge, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and not know where to start. By breaking it down into smaller steps, I can create a roadmap that allows me to focus on one task at a time. This approach helps me make progress and gives me a sense of accomplishment as I check off each task along the way.

Another practical strategy I use is setting realistic expectations for myself. Often, the feeling of unreadiness stems from the pressure to be perfect or have all the answers. Setting realistic expectations can alleviate some of that pressure and give me room to learn and grow. I remind myself that I don’t have to have all the answers immediately and that it’s okay to make mistakes along the way. This mindset shift allows me to embrace the learning process and approach new challenges with a sense of curiosity and flexibility.

Seeking support and guidance from mentors, friends, or colleagues is another effective strategy for feeling ready. Having someone who has already walked a similar path can provide valuable insights, advice, and encouragement. By sharing my concerns and seeking their guidance, I can gain a fresh perspective and build confidence in my abilities. This support system acts as a safety net, helping me navigate through unreadiness and reassuring me that I’m not alone in feeling this way.

Preparing and practising are also essential strategies for feeling ready. Whether it’s an important presentation or a significant event, I find that the more I prepare and practice, the more confident I feel. This can involve researching and gathering information, rehearsing presentations, or doing mock runs of important conversations or situations. By investing time and effort into preparation, I can reduce uncertainties and build confidence in my abilities, making me feel more ready to take on the challenge.

Final Thoughts

If you don’t feel ready for a large project, take it one step at a time. Start with something small, and slowly add an element or two until you feel comfortable taking on the main project. Alternatively, if you do not have confidence in your skills to attempt a design, maybe now is not the time to move forward. Sometimes, stepping away and returning another day can benefit your work. Never be too hard on yourself.

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