According to a report, Kentucky leads all states in fatal collisions involving young drivers.

Labor Day signifies the conclusion of "The 100 deadliest days of summer

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Labor Day signifies the conclusion of “The 100 deadliest days of summer,” which is regarded as the riskiest period of the year for young drivers to be on the road. According to a recent report, Kentucky led the nation in young driving fatalities for the third consecutive year.

The regional manager of SADD, or Students Against Destructive Decisions, is Carol Lucio. She claims that during the summer, a sizable number of new drivers received licenses. Inexperienced drivers are clogging the roadways as they attempt to go to and from work or school, according to Lucio. And the results can be fatal. The states with the greatest number of teenage fatalities in auto accidents were listed in a recent Zutobi research. According to Lucio, “Kentucky has the highest rate of teen driver fatalities nationwide.” Indiana Ohio came in at 23 and 26, respectively. According to Lucio, the majority of Kentucky’s 120 counties—110 of them are rural—are the reason the state is ranked so highly. She wants more teenagers to use seat belts.

We don’t have excellent stats in Kentucky,” Lucio remarked. “Unbelted drivers caused 63% of our teen fatal crashes in Kentucky last year.” She asserts that parents should lead by example when it comes to driving and that message should begin at home. “I don’t think parents realize they’re watching their driving behavior from the moment a child goes forward facing in their car seat,” Lucio stated.


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